Motivation is overrated
May 16 2024
And you’ll never have enough of it.

If you’ve spent enough time on the internet, you’d know that there is way too much content on how to stay motivated, which is absolutely impossible.

You can never stay motivated. Sometimes, even learning stuff you’re extremely passionate about, will feel ridiculously overwhelming. Basing what you choose to do off of a finite resource such as motivation, is a fool’s undertaking. The people that you look up to, the ones that are the masters in their crafts, have likely also thought about giving up and pursuing something else entirely, though they didn’t.

There surely have been times in the morning when you felt like you could crush everything in your path, and sometimes, you’d just lay in bed, fingers inter-locked and rested on your chest, eyes toward the ceiling, while a teardrop rolled down your eye. And that’s OKAY! So, what is the point of this article then? How do you actually get things done around? How do you convince yourself to read that book you bought at a sale? How do you compel yourself to take that bitter tasting pill? I’m about to give you the most anti-climatic answer ever. JUST DO IT!

I know that this was an extremely boring answer, but there’s some thought put behind it. You see, motivation requires motive. With no motive, you’ll have the equivalent purpose of a rock on the street. To get things done, you just need to somehow do that first step that gets the ball rolling. Feeling extremely lazy about going to the gym? Simply try getting ready for it. Want to submit a really daunting assignment, just fire up Google Docs for a sec. Taking the 1st step to climbing a 100-stair ladder, will motivate you to go for the next one. Taking the 2nd will make you even more enthusiastic about going for the 3rd. And eventually you’ll feel highly ecstatic and will just keep going. Sit there and do nothing about a certain task, and it’ll never stop being overwhelming.

There is no secret sauce, nor a secret recipe. No fairy-tale spell you can cast on yourself and immediately start doing better. There are no tips and tricks to always be motivated. Because, here’s the thing: you simply can’t be! You can’t let how you feel dictate what you do in life. You’ll never feel awesome all the time. You won’t always be happy about what you’re doing. You won’t always be motivated.